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Home » Film

Movies! The Store closing

Submitted by admin on October 13, 2025 – 10:21 amNo Comment
It’s not a case of another one bites the dust so much as a sign of the times. Roberto Arcos who runs MOVIES! The Store, at 1407 Richmond, has announced that video rentals and sales will cease at the end of the month when the store closes its doors. Surely the availability of dirt cheap DVDs online along with the proliferation of electronic streaming of movies by corporate giants, as well as illegal downloading of said movies, accounts in some way to the ability of a sole proprietor to compete in a brick and mortar sense.

In an email sent out yesterday Arcos stated: “As I feared the summer didn’t only fall below my projections, it almost matched those from last year.  July being the exception, April, June, August and September all tanked.  Even if the store were to attract a new investor, our debt is already too high.”

When the W. Alabama location of Cactus Records and Video shuttered years ago they eventually re-opened in a different form sans the videos. Any mouth-breather can and does get the latest DVD releases at these eyesore redbox dispensers that all but block the sidewalks at every grocery store. But Acros offered more at MOVIES! The Store. He gave out free posters. He promoted discussion about films both big and indie, documentary and foreign. He was a big supporter of one of my favorite recent films, the British political satire In The Loop. Arcos also stated in his missive: “Thank you all for your support, love and friendship.  I will look back on this chapter of my life as a moment, as brief as it was, where in my little way I brought together a community through our love of film.”

Arcos formerly was a manger for the Landmark theater chain starting in the Greenway Three era. There’s nothing wrong with change, only one shouldn’t have to travel to a small town to find a store with a friendly owner who wants to discuss the merits of his wares.

Arcos promises to go out with style and will hold “ a Costume Party on the 23rd, a Going out of Business Sale and a Last Hurrah Garage Sale the first weekend in November.”

- Michael Bergeron

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