Harbeer Sandhu
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Police Lies and Omissions Exposed in Sandra Bland Arrest

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The investigation into Sandra Bland’s suspicious death in Waller County Jail continues, with the district attorney announcing that he will work with a committee of independent lawyers that will have subpoena power and the ability to bring the case to a grand jury, should the DA, himself, fail to do so. The first two lawyers appointed to the panel — Darrell Jordan and Lewis White — are criminal defense attorneys (and African American, to boot), so there may be hope yet that this committee isn’t being convened just to toe the party line and rubber stamp cops’ and prosecutors’ official statements.

Speaking of official statements, Rachel Clarke at Houston Indymedia has done a tremendous job of exposing arresting officer Brian Encinia’s bald-faced lies and self-serving omissions. In this segment from the Indymedia radio show (audio and transcript below), Clarke juxtaposes Encinia’s phone call to his supervisor immediately after he arrested Bland with audio from Encinia’s patrol car dashcam. The “discrepancies” are too large to be called anything but what they are — lies.

Check out this brief segment below — Encinia’s lies and omissions when speaking to his supervisor are astounding — and tune in to KPFT 90.1 FM every Friday at 7:30 pm for the Houston Indymedia radio show (and make a pledge, if you can).