The Woman of Steel: An interview with Jana Pellush
All these campaigns around the country to raise the minimum wage are a response to the beating down of wages since the PATCO defeat. I think there is momentum in the country now to fight back. …

Worst Welfare Recipient: Valero Corporation
On behalf of all the hard-working Houston taxpayers who struggled to put gifts under the tree this year, let’s wish Valero Corp. a Happy New Year with a $17 million present from the City!…

Buffalo Bayou – Memorial Park Demonstration Project
Houstonians have always been in a constant fight with water -- trying to extract it, contain it, drain it, or control its flow.…

Recent Deaths at a DuPont Plant in Texas Cry for More Effective Safety Regulations and Enforcement
In November, four workers died and one was injured at the DuPont chemical plant in La Port, Texas after the release of a hazardous chemical. …

Eyes on the Prize?
Congress, the White House, and all of your elected officials have actually been quite busy bringing tar sands to US refineries. If you keep your eye on the pipeline, you will be distracted and fall prey to a well-orchestrated choreography known as Sleight of Hand. …

Is the Denton Fracking Ban an Environmental Justice Victory?
On November 4, a 59-to-41 percent landslide made Denton the first city in Texas to ban fracking.…

While 350.org Wins, Houston Continues To Be Sacrificed
Is the US/China climate deal just another part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement? Can consumerism bolstered by "free trade" really slow down the economic juggernaut that's causing climate change?…

Huicholes: The Last of The Peyote Guardians
Huicholes: The Last of the Peyote Guardians which will make its U.S. Debut at Rice Cinema, November 5th at 7:00PM. The films protagonist Katira and son Enrique Ramirez will be in attendance. Argentine film director, Hernan Vilches will also be in attendance for a Q&A; after the film.…

Duck, Get Smothered
People often leave themselves out of the story. They look at the world in third person, unable or unwilling to get involved. …

What will be the catalyst to motivate the masses? Perhaps facts don’t matter. Maybe, we need a poet, a painter, an artist to tap into our emotional experience. If flash floods, drought and severe weather can’t do the trick, perhaps art can lend a hand.…

Back to Brio: A Review of Friendswood
What fascinated me about the story as a novelist was being able to imagine all the textures and complexities of how the event might play out in the lives of individuals.…

Can Astroturf Campaigns Reverse Climate Change?
Although filled with people from the grassroots, this was not a grassroots-led event. And that matters, because it determines what possibilities are open to the movement going forward.…