-A weekly blog where I highlight at least one show I definitely expect to attend (see *) and throw in a few more that I'd like to and might see given the money and the time. -
Yes, I stayed home New Years Eve. Given what was happening at Rudz, The Prolee, Notsuoh, and Boondocks I will admit that I was being a bad local music writer. So sue me! Still I did get to get to see a great show over at the Proletariat on Saturday. I have to say though I was infinitely disappointed that arrived just in time to miss
Elaine Greer's criminally short 15 minute set. Still
Bright Men of Learning played a great set not long after. I'm a sucker for the melodic guitar lines and the rootsy song structures, what can I say. You decide for yourself but Bright Men of Learning is in my opinion one of the most under-appreciated bands in Houston but you decide for yourself - (see the live video of their performance below).
Also that night was
Judas Bear which was one part Sad Like Crazy, one part Over Sea Under Stone, and one part Oculous Sinister. It was indie-rock-a-liscious. If you were there, you probably heard me and my visiting New York friend saying things like "Hooray Indie Rock!" or "Yay stage banter! Say something indie rock!" but we were just kidding - we were just drunk, digging the band, and having fun. Can't wait to see them again!
Anyhow, here is the BMOL video I promised:
1) sadly, a shared band member of both Satin Hook and LAWS has injured himself and won't be able to play. We (the HOOTENANNY! committee) wish him a speedy recovery
2) The HOOTENANNY! committee, consists of Anna Garza (THE Anna Garza), Ben Murphy (bdm, Bright Men of Learning) and adr. Anna gets credit for SO MUCH of the work.
3) This all ages jammer is only five bucks and the shows are staggered, so when one band finishes downstairs, the next begins upstairs, which is WHIPS.
4) See you there.
Weaksauce though on Nick (I assume we're talking Nick Lomabard right?), I was wondering what happened.
Crazy I thought the committe was a kind of joke. I didn't realize that Anna and Ben were involved I was wondering where the stink of awesomeness was coming from. :)
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