Surprise! A Yuppie Fratboy Sports Bar in a Historically African American Neighborhood Refuses to Address its Racist Door Policy
How would the original owners of 2400 Brazos feel about the alleged discriminatory door policies of the Gaslamp, which stands in a once-proud and independent African American neighborhood.…
Ultimate Justice and Art About Town
A non-linear documentation of a specific state execution. An abstract presentation of crime and punishment. An interweaving of cerebral political theory and visceral imagery.…
Straight Outta Marketing
My intention is not to bash N.W.A. for their anti-social behaviors or their offensive lyrics. I'm more interested in challenging the notion that N.W.A.'s response to poverty and the crack epidemic that was ravaging their neighborhood and the whole country was THE ONLY or THE ONLY VALID or THE MOST AUTHENTIC response.…
Police Lies and Omissions Exposed in Sandra Bland Arrest
This segment from the Houston Indymedia radio show juxtaposes Officer Encinia's phone call to his supervisor immediately after he arrested Bland with audio from Encinia's patrol car dashcam. The "discrepancies" are too large to be called anything but what they are -- lies.…
Can’t Beat the Real Thing: Defining America
Now that the Gay Pride champagne bottles are in recycling and the July 4th fireworks have been swept up, let’s get back to business. The “true meaning of America” has not yet and may never be set in stone, and that adaptability is our strength. …
What Happened to Sandra Bland?
Organizers and participants at today's rally vow to persist in their efforts until all their doubts and questions about the mysterious death of Sandra Bland while in Waller County custody are answered. …
Five Years On: Bryan Parras on the Deepwater Horizon Catastrophe
Free Press Houston Talks with BP on the Fifth Anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon Disaster…
It’s Going to be Okay: Two Bills You Really Don’t Need to Worry About in an Otherwise Hostile Legislature
I am a Concealed Handgun License holder and I own multiple firearms. I’m also one of the apparently rare and exotic political animals – I am a leftist in favor of gun rights.…
You(genious) Heats Things Up With Cold This Friday
Come out this Friday, March 20, to see (not see?) another performance of this unique (if not one-of-a-kind) show.…