Proof Zines will survive: Zinefest Houston
Should we say the zine is dead? In an electric world where…
Rising Fog Becomes Cloud
In his artistic practice, Tae Lee looks to the idealized state of the enlightened being for guidance and comfort. …

What will be the catalyst to motivate the masses? Perhaps facts don’t matter. Maybe, we need a poet, a painter, an artist to tap into our emotional experience. If flash floods, drought and severe weather can’t do the trick, perhaps art can lend a hand.…
2nd Ward – A Bicycle Opera
The sounds might entice the cyclist to ride faster, slower, stop, turn in circles, or pause beneath the shade of a tree for listening.…

Sunday at Rothko: Culturunners / Edge of Arabia
By Nick Cooper This Sunday, the UN’s International Day of Peace, Houston…
This show is happening in a space with an ambiance particular to the art has to be able to withstand the surroundings, and work with them, and live in them. It's raw, but not savage; wild, but not stupid.…
El Viento Viene, El Viento Se Va — La Frontera @ HCCC
Houston Center for Contemporary Craft has the dubious distinction of being one…
Eye Candy À Gogo at the Texas Contemporary Art Fair
Nobody wanted to define "contemporaneity" during set-up for the fourth annual Texas Contemporary Art Fair at the George R. Brown Convention Center---it was hard enough trying to get people to pronounce the word.…
Measuring the Immeasurable: Arts Education in Houston
Access to the arts has proven to be integral in encouraging students to look at the world from a different perspective and develop problem-solving skills, while also boosting their focus on academics and fostering innovation and creativity.…
Subversion at Inversion
You might have noticed that the Inversion Coffee House has taken down the large format photograph of their namesake public art piece, Dean Ruck and Dan Havel's world-famous Inversion.…