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Home / Art / MFAH Art Crowd Presents: Antonio Berni

MFAH Art Crowd Presents: Antonio Berni



Antonio Berni was an Argentinean artist and by age 15, already had his oil paintings displayed in Salon Mari  and by age 20, he was studying art in Europe. He created two fictional characters constructed of trash, machine parts and other discarded objects of everyday life. These fictional characters became the subject of popular legends and folklores. Berni used these fictional characters as a way to show the undercurrents of Argentinean society.

For the first time in over 50 years, his work will be displayed in the US and lucky us, it is at the MFAH. Wednesday night the MFAH is hosting an Art Crowd event with nibbles and sips to accompany the art. If you are an Art Crowd member the event is free and $25 if you are not.
Art Crowd is a member group in their 20s and 30s who are lovers of art and are looking to expand their art knowledge and connections. A single membership is only $85 for Art Crowd and includes a museum membership.
What: MFAH Art Crowd featuring Antonio Berni
When: Wednesday November 20th, 7-10pm
Where: MFAH Law Building
1001 Bissonnet
Houston, TX 77005
Admission: $25 for non members
Website: MFAH

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