Film Archives - Page 2 of 97 - Free Press Houston


Daughter & Saint

Daughter & Saint

I like a lot of films, and that includes films where the…

Chaplin & Hitchcock: Blu-ray slight return

Chaplin & Hitchcock: Blu-ray slight return

There’s a cinematic thrill in watching restored versions of a couple of…

FPH Interview: Ted Neeley

FPH Interview: Ted Neeley

Playing the part of Jesus in the 1973 movie Jesus Christ Superstar…

Movies this week: 5/15/15

Movies this week: 5/15/15

There is a moment at the end of Iris when the filmmaker…

Far From the Madding Crowd

Far From the Madding Crowd

Pure romantic storytelling just gushes off the screen in Far From the…

White God

White God

You have to love the AlamoDrafthouse press notes description of White God…

Ride the D Train to Maggie

Ride the D Train to Maggie

There are so many films opening this weekend, wide releases and one-shots…

Lambert & Stamp

Lambert & Stamp

It seems that when it rains it pours. Last week I saw…

FPH Interview: Geraldine Chaplin

FPH Interview: Geraldine Chaplin

  It may be easy to have doors opened for you career…

MLC & 5 to 7

MLC & 5 to 7

Misery Loves Comedy leaves a big impression. Perhaps it’s the way the…