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Chat Rouletting with ROKY MOON & BOLT

Submitted by admin on April 4, 2025 – 9:59 pmNo Comment

Roky Moon and BOLT are more than a band. They are great friends of mine that I hope the best for. Knowing them separately through out the years and then watching them form together to become one of Houston’s most favored rock bands is very endearing to me. The band is going on their American Honey tour soon and is having their tour kickoff this Friday at The Mink. So please purchase a ticket and support them before they embark on their magical journey.

Jacob: First off how do feel that I am inteviewing the drummer of Bolt rather than Roky himself.

Jeoff: Actually I’m kinda wondering why you’re talking to the drummer too?

Jacob: Well I don’t have Roky’s number and Chad never picks up his phone. I’m kidding! (laughs)

Jeoff: Chad just got back from England last night, so I think he might be jet lagged.

Jacob: Yeh, lets hear for the drummers!

Jeoff: Yeah for drummers….

Jacob: So you’re going on tour and this Friday is the tour kick off at The Mink. You purchase a ticket…well not you per se, you’re BOLT. Okay, so everyone else buys a ticket in a wax sealed envelope. In it is a golden ticket. Tell me what’s so special about THE golden ticket.

Jeoff: It was a cool way to make it kinda classy I guess. The ticket themselves are printed on shiny gold card stock. One in four tickets will have a prize in fine print. So you’ll be able to walk away with free drinks from the bar or a t-shirt that we are doing only for the show. Ya know, little novelties that we decided to throw in for fun.

Jacob: Bummer, my golden tickets fine print is the designer of the tickets website. I guess I can say that your music is magic, which makes you guys magicians. So what tricks have you guys got for us on stage?

Jeoff: As far as sorcery goes or in terms of what we are going to do for stage show on Friday?

Jacob: Yes to both!

Jeoff: In terms of sorcery Roky Moon has perfected walking on water. I personally can communicate with animals and Aaron can fly. Everyone else is still working on their powers. In terms of Friday I can not dispose any of these surprises of what we are going to do.

Jacob: So Lady Gaga is on the same night…

Jeoff: Yeh, we fucked that up didn’t we! (laughs)

Jacob: A little! (laughs) How are you going to compete against that!

Jeoff: Shit, it’s not just Lady Gaga. It’s also the Astros home opener, George Clinton at House of Blues. Warpaint is playing at Fitz.

Jacob: And Weeman from Jackass as Lucies Liquor!

Jeoff: I dunno, we’ll probably try and get her to come over and hangout with us or maybe do some backup vocals on one of the songs.

Jacob: Yeah, I’m glad you mentioned that. I hear Lady Gaga is going to do back up vocals for your next album. I dunno, I heard it on April 1st. I think they were foolin’, but they seemed pretty serious. Tell me about that.

Jeoff: Well did you hear it on KTRU? Because Ian has that dry wit, but that is true. She will be singing on the new record. About 60% of the time she will be singing lead.

Jacob: So it’s Roky that is doing back up now?

Jeoff: Yeah, on 40% of the record. yup.

Jacob: So this show is your tour kick off. Where are you guys going on this Peewee’s big adventure of yours?

Jeoff: On the big adventure, this time we are going to California. Make a couple of stops in El Paso, and hopefully Arizona. We are still waiting to confirm some dates. These are just warm up dates because the promotor wanted us to come back again to play a big festival. He asked us to come out this spring to familiarize ourselves with people.

Jacob: Nice, so are you guys playing at The Percolator in El Paso?

Jeoff: I don’t think so? This tour has been going up and down with getting shows. It’s been a weird cycle. We still have promotors working on the tour within a few days of our kick off.

Jacob: I guess if you guys aren’t playing at The Percolator you’re playing at The Tool Box, which is a gay club across the street. (laughs) Yep, looks like you’ll be playing there!

Jeoff: Well that is where we will definately be hanging out! Is it really called The Tool Box?

Jacob: Yes.

Jeoff: That is phenomenal! Did you know that Walter’s used to be called The Male Box? Did you know that?

Jacob: Na-uh.

Jeoff: It was this really seedy gay hook up bar.

Jacob: Was it m-a-l-e?

Jeoff: Yeah! It was! If you go in Walter’s and look in that little window near the front door there is some kind of permit to The Male Box stuck in the left top hand corner!

Jacob: That’s funny. So last time you guys went on tour there was a special bus. Do you remember seeing that huge bus that read BOLT?

Jeoff: Yeh! The Bolt bus! I’m still not sure what that was all about. I think it was some kind of transportation system to go in and out of New York.

Jacob: So I’m assuming this upcoming tour that will be the band’s new tour bus eh?

Jeoff: (laughs) That is the plan! Buy a broken down one and fix it up!

Jacob: Alrighty, so going on tour I always bring a book that I never read because there is something always too interesting to be looked at in a new city. What five things do you always bring?

Jeoff: The first thing that I always pack is a towel for showers and stuff. The second would be my iPod so that I can sleep in the back of the bus when I am not driving. The third thing, musical instruments always come in handy when you go on tour. The fourth…extra socks and underwear so that you don’t get athlete’s foot. The worst thing you can get on tour is foot fungus and swamp ass. And the fifth thing we would take on tour is a secret bottle of some sort to partake in the back of the bus.

Jacob: When you guys perform could you Chat Roulette it so that I can hopefully find the right channel and watch you guys jam?

Jeoff: Aaron’s pretty good with his iPhone, so I imagine he can probably make that happen.

Jacob: Just watch out for the guys jerking off.

Jeoff: Well we’ll all be….I will be jerking off….

Jacob: Of course! Why not?

Jeoff: I thought that was the terms of agreement when you sign on?

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