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Sunday , 5 May 2025
You are here: Home > Literature > The Texas Crawfish and Music Festival

The Texas Crawfish and Music Festival


It’s time for the annual Texas Crawfish and Music Festival!  Held in Old Town Spring each year in April, the festival runs for two weekends and features dozens of food vendors, three stages of live music, a carnival, and of course, all the crawfish you can eat. More than twenty five tons of live mudbugs are delivered and boiled on site for your tasting pleasure. As the largest and longest running crawfish celebration in the South (take that Louisiana!), The Texas Crawfish and Music Festival is a staple event in the Lone Star State. This year will mark the festival’s 27th consecutive year.

This years festival will feature some of Texas’s best country bands. Such acts include Robert Earl Keen, Los Lonely Boys, Cody Canada and the Departed, The Toadies, and more. Also, a special guest will be present the first weekend. Tomorrow, April 20, Duck Dynasty’s Uncle Si will be in Old Town Spring to take pictures with fans of the show and sign autographs. (For those of you who don’t know, Duck Dynasty is a television show about a bunch of rich rednecks acting like a bunch of rich rednecks. No more needs to be said).

Along with great food and recreation, attendees of the Crawfish Festival will also enjoy Old Town Spring’s old towny atmosphere. Old Town Spring is a historic railroad town. When The Great Northern Railroad Company was at its busiest in the early 1900s, Old Town Spring was built as a resting stop for railroad workers and weary travelers. Today, it is home to some of Texas’s best shopping. Several of the town’s orignal buildings have been renovated into small businesses and restaurants. The town’s antiquated vibe has made it a stopping point for people passing through Texas.

Presale tickets are $10; tickets onsite will be $15. For more information, please visit www.oldtownspring.com.




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