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Thursday , 25 April 2025
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41HR796: The Site Where Sprawl Trumps World Heritage

By Harbeer Sandhu Photos by Brett Sillers The photos included in this article provide a visual overview of just a small portion of what this expansion represents: sacred land being desecrated for the sake of corporate development. In these photos, you can see the beginnings of that development, as well as the ways in which this historic ground is being sacrificed.  Once upon a time, there was a sprawling city that lacked viable public transportation.  The main reason that city was both sprawling and lacking in public transportation is because it had been run, for decades, by short-sighted oilmen, real estate ... Read More »

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Worst of Houston: 2025 Edition

 Illustrations by Blake Jones and John Forse  “Opinions are like nipples, everybody has one. Some have firm points, others are barely discernible through layers, and some are displayed at every opportunity regardless of whether the audience has stated, ‘I am interested in your nipples’ or not.” ― David Thorne Now, before you go getting all butthurt, please note that the opinions expressed in these next several pages are simply that: opinions. Everyone has got ‘em and everyone is entitled to ‘em. These statements are not meant to offend, rather they are meant to alert you to things you may not ... Read More »

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