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A New Book Gets Its Wings

Submitted by Commandrea on November 23, 2025 – 9:20 pmNo Comment

by Andrea Afra

I met George Molho six years ago through his cousin Dora who owns Byzantio, the Greek cafe on West Gray. She had laid a book face down on the counter while she made me a drink. It’s title was Greek Coffee, aptly named for its reader and I jokingly asked what it was about. She told me it was her cousin’s memoir, not a book about coffee so much, and that I should read it, even write a review for the paper if I liked it. I did read it and I interviewed George at the cafe soon after.

After reading a story about someone from a place you’re from, when you finally meet them, it is an odd encounter. You know them. Their story has become a part of your life and you’ve learned lessons from their experiences. They’ve spilled their guts onto the pages and you devoured them all. If it was written well there isn’t that awkward courtesy banter where you try to bite your tongue to hold back all of the mental edits you made on their pages in your head. Meeting the real George after reading his book only verified that the voice of the author was speaking the truth about the man in the memoir. He is humble, gracious, quiet— for a Greek— yet passionate as one ever was. His story of overcoming the twisted grasp his father had on his life had me crying, laughing and crying again, but in the end it really was a good story in the story-telling, page-turning kind of way.

As a reader, I was fulfilled. As a writer, I told him that really admired that he had finished the damn thing but he imparted that it had only just begun. With publishing comes marketing and as he had self-published his book, it was now time to take it to the next level.

Six years have passed. In the meantime, George took his book to several editors and finally got the nod he had been waiting for. At over 500 pages, the original story needed to be refined. As a first time author, George took the advice by the horns and he has brought the reader even closer with the new revised and renamed book, “Scarred”.

What must have been the most painful parts to write about now come sooner, as if to throw the door wide open from the start. It’s not a door you want to close until the last page. He asked me to read it before he it went to print and write what I thought about it. I was honored that he asked, as I had watched him from afar all of these years, rooting for him and knowing that someday he would succeed.

I am proud to say that he printed my review on the back cover of Scarred. Not nearly as proud as I am for him, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that it is a bit satisfying. It is always a good day when a new book gets it’s wings, but it makes it a little brighter to know that your name is in print and you only had to read the damn thing to get it there. You can read my review on the back cover below.

Congratulations, George. And here’s to you leaving Palin’s memoir in the dust.

Buy it here

See the review on the back cover here

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