Today’s Special

Today’s Special serves up generous portions of tangy sauces, witty dialogue and pride restored as a young sous chef makes his way in the world of New York restaurants. This is a food movie but not presented like Big Night or Like Water For Chocolate or even the recent Soul Kitchen. The makers of Today’s Special put a personal stamp on their meal by making the story about a guy trying to win the approval of his father and the affections of a girl.
Co-writer and star Aasif Mandvi has appeared in recent films like Ghost Town, It’s Kind of A Funny Story, and The Last Airbender, and gives his character Samir a sense of purpose about preparing food mixed with the uncertainty of his own culinary career. When another chef gets a promotion at the fancy Gotham eatery where Samir works he decides to quit and go study in Paris. At least that’s what he says to impress Carrie (Jess Weixler). Further complication arise when Samir’s father gets sick and he has to take over the family restaurant. Did I mention Kevin Corrigan plays a small role, always a good sign in an indie film.
Today’s Special bakes in the aroma of its own self-actualizing moments. Foodies and people who work in the restaurant industry will especially be drawn to this low-key comedy, but general audiences will easily warm up to its tasty characters and save-the-restaurant plot. Today’s Special is currently unwinding at the River Oaks Three.
- Michael Bergeron