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Tuesday , 28 May 2025
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FrenetiCore Wants You!


Houston’s FreneticCore is looking for local folks to join their Board of Directors. Looking for a chance to give back to your creative community? This may be just the opportunity for you. FreneticCore is a nonprofit organization with a focus on innovative dance theater productions. The organization offers locals a number of options including dance classes, live performances and the Houston Fringe Festival - a performing arts festival that has been happening annually in Houston’s East End for over five years now.

If the performing arts is your passion - or even if just giving back to your creative cohorts is your thing - consider stopping by the Frenetic Theater to learn more about how you can get involved.

When: Sunday, January 13 from 5-6:30 p.m.

Where: Frenetic Theater located at 5102 Navigation Blvd

The Gist: This information session will cover a brief history of the organization, Board expectations and requirements, and future plans for FreneticCore.

Please RSVP to  info@freneticore.net if you plan to attend. 


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