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Horrible Bosses

Submitted by MBergeron on July 9, 2025 – 3:12 pmNo Comment

In many ways the movie Horrible Bosses resembles the staying power of the country song “Take This Job and Shove It.” The film appeals to people who populate the majority of jobs in the world and its afterlife is guaranteed.

Horrible Bosses is a black comedy that plays like a dark comedy. While there are some bitter self-loathing moments that heighten HB missing is the sustained streak of cruelty that exists in this genre in everything from Bad Santa to Heathers. One of HB’s catchier moves is to cast a trio of lesser-known (if you don’t watch television) actors against a supporting cast of evil office supervisors played by Kevin Spacey, Colin Farrell, and Jennifer Aniston. The latter three by the way are scene stealing funny.

The leads Jason Bateman, Charlie Day and Jason Sudeikis, are hard working stiffs all harassed by their respective employers. At the instigation of a character named Muthafucka Jones (Jamie Foxx) the trio decides to kill each other’s boss. In the sense of Strangers On A Train, they will divert suspicion by murdering someone with which they have no connection. Hilarity usually ensues but by the end when the story is neatly tied up it appears these guys are kitty cats in lion’s clothing.

- Michael Bergeron

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