Interview: Female Demand

2 piece drum and bass guitar dual Female Demand has grown in the several years from a low rent Lightning Bolt knock off act into a pair of sonic pioneers. Creating soundscapes much larger than the sum of 2 people, Female Demand is pushing the envelope and finding new frequencies on their soon to be released new record. Problem is, they just won’t admit to exactly how much they enjoy fingering their own dickholes.
How much has the song-writing process changed since your first EP?
Our song writing process hasn’t really changed much since our first recordings. It’s kind of a very gradual ongoing process. We’re pretty open to what ideas both of us may have for a song and usually we have at least 3 or 4 different song ideas that are kind of floating around. So when we get really serious about writing new music, we draw whatever ideas we’ve already created and mix those old ideas and concepts with newer ideas we may have. But what usually happens is that we get stuck on some songs and we just kind of leave them alone until we decide to try and finish it later on in the future. But for us, a song is usually never really finished until its laid down and recorded.
Does adding more vocals as you have changed the dynamic much?
Yes and no. No in the regards that we pretty much lay down all the music first (with vocal parts in mind) and add vocals later on once we’ve rehearsed the material. But the addition of vocals has changed the live show dynamic for sure. With more vocal parts, Bradley really has had to consider his sound system and how that translates live. With how we’ve operated as a band thus far, most shows are plug in and play. But now a day we’re kind of trading that mentality in and considering our sound on a stage. We can’t just blast our speakers and jam out and expect people to hear the vocal parts. So we’ve made many changes (mostly brad) to our set up and have added another thing on the list to worry about. But it’s all right. We can handle a challenge.
True or False: Jonathan fingers his own dickhole?
False. That sounds really painful actually. Who’d do such a thing?
The soundscapes ya’ll create are becoming more and more nuanced. Where is inspiration for this drawn?
Well, as a 2 piece we work pretty hard to not sound so one-dimensional. When we first started the band one thing that we wanted to do is make us sound like there are more then 2 people in the band. Just a full sound. With the absence of a guitar player and a singer there’s a lot of space to fill in if you’re in a rock band. Most bands see that as an end all say all to their music, we just saw it as a way to create something unique and fun at the same time. We pretty much wanted to show people that you can make really intricate music that is musical and enjoyable with out your standard guitar wailer and your attention hungry singer. So in a nutshell, the desire to create music that is fun for us to play without a guitar player and singer has inspired us to do what we do. (For the most part)
Why the name Female Demand?
One day I was driving down Richmond to Shepard to buy some lunch while listening to Prefuse 73. As I was flipping through tracks I stopped at a song called ‘female demands’. For some reason it just struck a chord in my mind and I started to repeat it in my head, envisioning how it would look on a flier or an album cover. When I ran it by Bradley he took to the name immediately. We decided that the plural at the end made the name sound kind of weird so we just dropped it and from then on we called ourselves Female Demand.
Seriously, why would anyone finger their own dickhole?
Beats me. But for real, that sounds excruciating.
What is the next echelon for your band?
What’s next for us? First, we plan on releasing our debut album around mid to late July. And then tour our Asses off. I’m currently in school so we may not hit the road for a little while. But it will give us time to save up a buncho money and set up an epic tour! We also have plans of signing to a label but the details for that are still in the works. Other then that we have some tricks up our sleeves for Free Press Summer Fest and look forward to what the future has in store for everyone.
Fill in the blanks: Houston is the center of the musical universe because we have ZZ Top.