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Katy Horan Exhibit Opening at Domy Books on September 15

Submitted by Erin Dyer on September 11, 2025 – 11:36 pmNo Comment

By: Erin Dyer

“Keep Your Arms From Going Astray,” a collection of art by Katy Horan, will open for public display on Saturday, September 15, at Domy Books. The artist herself will be present at the free event, which runs from 7-9PM.

A common theme depicted in Horan’s art is the representation and interpretation of female roles throughout history, art, and mythology– all based on research, visual reference, and ideas collected from film, literature, the Internet, and various other sources. Using mixed references and visual fragments, the artist aims to create images that are simultaneously identifiable and ambiguous, while arousing the viewer’s imagination and personal accounts to shape their own individual interpretation of the art.

Time frames, interests, and imagery range from Victorian spinsterhood and Renaissance portraiture to the archetypal witch figure. Horan also integrates imagery from the books and movies that sustained her childhood. These images are created as singular characters– solid in form– from many organic transitions between repetitive detail and loose experimentation.  The artist emphasizes the importance of form, detail, posture, and gesture, especially important when focusing on the interior and exterior structures of the figures. This detail can be seen when she accurately references historical costumes from different eras of clothing and adornment.

The artist’s work will continue to be on display from opening day, September 15, until October 18 at Domy Books, 1709 Westheimer. Check it out while it’s available, as it will only be up at Domy for a month.

For more information about the artist, visit www.katyart.com.

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