Let the wild rumpus begin!

Friday night, Houstonians will get another opportunity to see the lauded original production by Houston local Jason Nodler and drama company, Catastrophic Theater. Hunter Gatherers is riveting, ribald, and anything but your average theater experience. Alex Gilbert from 29-95 said this about the play, “It’s cerebral, it’s visceral, it’s hysterically funny. I don’t mean that in a stuffy, traditional-theater sense — I mean really funny and full of food for thought… An unusually intense and entertaining evening at the theater.” The plot chronicles the journey of four unassuming partygoers from stuffy to savage. Past productions have been wildly popular so make sure to get your tickets now; opening night audience members will also be treated to a pre-show party. Don’t miss out.
-Jack Daniel Betz
I agree that this is one of the best plays I have seen in a while. The actors really show their stuff and I loved how they worked/had fun with the story. Very Funny!