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September 8, 2025 – 12:00 pm | One Comment

Last week, Houston was saddened by the news that Mydolls guitarist and percussionist, Kathy Johnston, had passed away. Our hearts go out to her family, friends, and especially Diana Ray to whom she was married.  …

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A weekend of hip-hop-oi-piano-post-proto-thermin-core

Submitted by admin on May 7, 2025 – 1:58 pmOne Comment

Ludacris will be rolling into Houston’s Arena Theater tonight (get it? Roll in instead of “Roll Out” heh heh, yeah I know, not funny…) for a show with R&B singer Monica.

It was weird seeing these guys are touring again, I didn’t even know they were still together but post-grunge (WARNING: same genre as Nickleback, mind you) darlings, Smile Empty Soul, will be playing the Scout Bar tonight. Not my cup of tea but if you’re pissed about missing the Buzzfest then you’ll probably like the show. Hey, at least you won’t have to see Fred Durst there.

If you want to get better acquainted with some of the Summer Fest artists The Takes and Something Fierce will be sharing a bill with Giant Princess tonight at Mango’s. The Takes, in particular, should be awesome; they play some kick-ass, head-banging, punk music and their vocals are awesome and are actually comprehensible. What a novel concept!

Ben Folds plays that House of Blues on Saturday night which is always special. Who doesn’t like Ben Folds? Who else can cover Dre’s “Bitches ain’t Shit” and turn it into a warm indie ballad? British punk rockers The Business will be at Walter’s that night as well. It’s not hardcore, it’s not grindcore, it’s not post-proto-scremo-core, it’s just  some good ol’ Oi! Think of bands like Cock Sparrer and Sham 69. Oi is a sub-genre of British punk originating from and appealing to a mostly working-class audience. It’s rare that we get Oi! acts here in the states. Check them out, you’ll feel like eating some fish and chips with a pint of Newcastle while driving a lorry to the lift and singing the praises of Lord Nelson.

There’s not so much going on Sunday but there is some show called Duet for Theremin and Lap Steel/Charlie Naked at Super Happy Fun Land. Anything with a theremin is pretty cool. Happy show hunting, Houstonians.

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  • admin says:

    I’m glad you liked the article. The weekend preview thing should be a weekly regular on the blog from now on. I’m going to start doing them on Wednesdays from now on so that there’s more time to get show info out there.

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