I have a crush on Mates of State

By Jacob Calle How can one not fall in love with the glittery pop music of Jason Hammel and Kori Gardner? The married couple have found a baby sitter for their two children and have gone on tour! I’ve seen them before they were married. I’ve seen them while Kori was pregnant. It’s nice to see a band grow not only musically, but as a family. The couple play a very eclectic sound that reminds me of your first crush. It’s sweet. It’s cute. It’s simple. And that is exactly what their latest record is called, “Crushes”. “Crushes” is a 10 song album of their renditions of a couple of their favorite songs. I say rendition and not cover because that is exactly what it is. They’ve turned Mars Volta’s “Son Et Lumiere” into a pop ballad while translating Daniel Johnston’s “True Love Will Find us in the End” into a track that could easily be found in Ellen Page’s next movie. Feel free to listen to these tracks for free at www.matesofstate.com
Mates of State perform tomorrow night at Warehouse Live with Free Energy at 8pm.
I hadn’t heard of them before reading this article. I listened to them on their website and will attend the show, thanks for the timely info!