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Interview: John Zambrano

Submitted by @GunsandTacos on August 22, 2025 – 9:17 amNo Comment

By Omar Afra

Dirty Jeff is not my father.

I was kind of surprised when I realized FPH has never interviewed John Zambrano. The guitar player and vocalist for Muhammadali is a ubiquitous figure in the music community and can be found causing trouble whenever he is not performing. Luckily, the guy seems to be playing so often that shit seems to be under control. Throw into the mix the fact that he is now father to a beautiful baby girl and you have one serious paradoxical musician. Somehow he makes it all work.

Earliest childhood musical memory?

-George Michael:Careless Whisper, Stevie Wonder:I Just Called To Say I Love You, Doobie Brothers:What A Fool Believes, and anything by Phil Collins, that’s what was on the radio while living in a car with my family on the mean streets of Houston. But more importantly I had older siblings who influenced my musical tastes later on by listening to early new wave, punk, and goth stuff. Also I’ll always remember seeing Rock n Roll High School with the Ramones on TV. when I was about 8 years old and being blown away! To me they looked like superheroes.

Congratulations on recently becoming a father. Has parenthood changed your outlook on songwriting/playing/life in general?

Thank you. I’ve never really understood the art of songwriting, so, it’s still a mystery to me. On the other hand, Julia and I are constantly spontaneously improvising little catchy jingles for Lily about everything from putting on yer pants to going for a ride or poopy diapers. This has spawned such hits as Wiggle Worm, Milk Drunk Baby, and Little Miss Poo-Poo (in a bad French accent). It’s a lot of fun!

You have been performing in this city for many years yet have managed to keep up and stay relevant with all these young whipper-snappers. How does one do that save drinking baby blood?

I don’t know. I guess enthusiasm and not being afraid to make/have friends.

Is it true you are Dirty Jeff’s son?

No. Brother, yes.

What is the most promising band you have recently caught in Houston?

I always love seeing B L A C K I E, Giant Princess, Cop Warmth, Rusted Shut are legendary, Secret Prostitutes, Balaclavas, Black Congress, Art Fux, Clockpole, Fat Tony, Female Demand, Wicked Poseur, Exterminating Angels, The Mahas, Weird Party, Crime Wave, Thou Shalt Not Kill…Except, Indian Jewelry, Funboys, Vivian Pickles And the Sweethearts Uber-Alles, The Busy Kids, Something Fierce’s new album rules, as does the Energy’s Get Split. Darwin’s Finches always freak out and I like that. I  just saw the Escatones for the first time at their tour kickoff, they are talented as hell and put on a great show. White Crime is a new band tearing it up featuring our lovable Ol’ Dirty Jeff. So, yeah, there ya go.

Your biggest personal musical frustration?

It’s frustrating when things don’t work out the way you planned or imagined, but most times out of that frustration comes something awesome that you could never have planned or imagined. So, I like that frustration.

What song will they play at your funeral?

The Flaming Lips-Feeling Yourself Disintegrate/Sleeping On The Roof
When I first heard Sleeping on the Roof, I was instantly reminded of a moment as a child when I was sitting by myself on a summer night at dusk. I could hear the lawn sprinkler, crickets, and the occasional car drive by and I felt totally alone. I now look at that moment fondly. I feel like this song captures that sadness with a glimmer of contentment. Thanks for reminding me to get that life insurance policy.

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