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Ramble On: 40th Annual Moonlight Bicycle Ramble

Submitted by Rob McCarthy on October 22, 2025 – 12:41 pmNo Comment

This Saturday, BikeHouston will be holding it’s 40th annual Moonlight Bicycle Ramble. The event starts at 11:59 pm, and will start at the George R. Brown Convention Center, just across from Discovery Green.

Bike Houston has been holding this event since 1973, and in case you didn’t realize, 40 years of an event means they must be doing something right.

True to its name, the Moonlight Bicycle Ramble will be taking place around midnight, and you’ll be rambling through the moonlit streets of downtown Houston.

Riders who ride with style will be rewarded: prizes will be given to the rider with best costume as well as the rider with the best lighted bike. All riders are required to wear a bicycle helmet and have lights on their bikes, but costumes are optional.

You can register for the event online, but the deadline is by Friday at 5 pm. Registration is $25 for an individual, and $80 for families. You can register the night of the event, starting at 10 pm, but the cost will jump up to $30, and you won’t be able to go family style on it.

The ramble will have an 8-mile and a 20-mile route, so don’t worry if you’ve already gotten a head start on your Halloween candy.

Your contributions and registration helps to support BikeHouston, and comes with a t-shirt, a map of the routes, and coupons from area vendors.

Be careful of wearing costumes that have capes or other things that could get caught in your spokes, and remember that you’ll be wearing a helmet, so get creative with your costumes.

This should be a pleasant and unique way to experience downtown Houston in the fall, so come out and be a part of an event that’s gone strong for 40 years!

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