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Natalie Plummer Arrest Protest to be Held Saturday

Submitted by Erin Dyer on July 5, 2025 – 4:47 pm4 Comments

By: Erin Dyer

Houstonian Natalie Plummer was arrested on Thursday, June 21, for standing on the sidewalk and holding a paper sign. While riding her bike down West Dallas on her way home from the grocery store, Plummer noticed HPD pulling over cars that were allegedly speeding. She took videotape of this happening near downtown because she believed HPD was wrongly pulling over random people that were not even speeding. In attempt to prevent any other drivers from being pulled over, Plummer created a sign that read, “Speed Trap!!” and held it up to cars that passed by while she stood on the sidewalk.

Rather than helping other drivers like she had intended, Plummer was arrested on the corner of West Dallas and Nash. She says that an HPD officer jumped out of his car and pulled at her backpack before searching it without consent. Court documents state that HPD made the arrest based on the fact that she was in the street, thus a danger to herself and others and obstructing justice– which is an arrestable offense and would result in an automatic three to five year sentence in jail.

After her arrest, Plummer spent 12 hours in jail before bonding out. She claims that her arrest was wrongful and that the cop arrested her under made-up false charges, because he was displeased at her act of warning about a speed trap– and the only way he could arrest her was if it were under alternate charges.

Plummer stands by the claim that she was never in the street and only stood on the sidewalk, therefore presenting no potential danger to herself or others. The fact that she was arrested after holding up a paper sign is a violation of her 1st amendment rights to free speech and to protest.

HPD has disrespected and wrongly charged Natalie Plummer. This Saturday, July 7, at 2pm there will be a protest held at the location where Plummer was arrested– on the corner of West Dallas and Nash, near downtown Houston. Join the protest to remind HPD of our constitutional rights and their obligation to defend our rights.


  • Vicky says:

    Well its a great looking mug shot for national news…. LOL… do cops in texas get a commission or have a quota on how many they need to catch??? Lol … you must have found a young cranky pants trying to prove somethind because truly when drivers are warned of a speed trap they slow down…. in the end the most important part is that they slow down! !!!! It is why they are getting a ticket right???? I think this cop owes you a public apology and if he has a lying problem he needs a new job!

  • Thomas Duncan Nichols says:

    So,yes, HPD are typically required to …write a certain number of
    Second, congratulations for riding your bike.
    Third, Thoreau and I would be honored to help with any court cost.
    Tom Nichols MD

  • Larry Giles says:

    I serve as taxpayer legal counsel. My cousin is a former NC Attorney General. My grandfather and some cousins are and have been police officers.

    I am disappointed that any policeman would roust someone for ENCORAGING OBEDIENCE of the speed laws!

    The Houston police officers and their department are in a sticky mess.

    Good public policy dictates that the Police Department approach Ms. Plummer to drop the charges against her, expunge any conviction, reimburse her for any cost to her, then beg, plead and grovel for her forgiveness!

    Otherwise, I would expect Ms. Plummer to seek legal counsel and sue the socks off the officers involved and the Houston Police Department. The accounts I’ve read of the case tell me that Houston PD and the officers individually are currently at huge financial risk that could run into six figures.

  • Larry Giles says:

    Addition to my prior comment:

    If I could, I’d consider representing Ms. Plummer in her action against the police at no charge until she collects on a judgement!

    Too bad I’m not licensed to practice law in Texas!

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