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Rewind: Jesus and Mary Chain at House of Blues

Submitted by Jeck on March 14, 2025 – 3:47 pmOne Comment

By Jack Daniel Betz

Ever since Monday I’ve held my breath after finding out that the Scottish noise gods cancelled their date at Denton 35. I was having unpleasant flashbacks of post-punk disappointment to last summer when Killing Joke killed their plans for a US tour which included a spot at Summer Fest’s Budweiser stage.

The show started a little late because the band was having power issues with their UK based gear. One of the staff told me that they ran to Rockin Robin’s to get some help. Doors opened a little late but no matter, I was first in line. The opener was a band from LA that I didn’t enjoy all that much. The vocalist had a very nasally voice and the music was a  cloying power-pop but the front man was so chipper and friendly that it was hard not to root for him.

Jim Reid was far less hairy but no less of a bad ass. The between song banter was friendly but the man kept a stiff upper lip during the whole performance, never looking he needed to be there. Will Reid definitely had a few extra pounds and some wrinkles but his guitar didn’t seem to notice this. His setup allowed him to faithfully produce the jagged, brittle, clangs of all his best work.

The highlight of the show for me was a dark, snarling, rendition of Reverence. William was allowed to fully break out here, filling the room with warbling feedback and white noise. Here is an incomplete set list, in no particular order:

-Head On
-April Skies
-Happy when it rains
-Cracking Up
-Just like Honey
-Some Candy talking
-Teenage Lust
-Never Understand

One Comment »

  • Bill says:

    I saw you in the front of the line. We went to get more drinks, still got close enough. Great review, if a bit short. Kind of the opposite of the other rag, Long but sucky. Reverence was the highlight for me to. Didn\’t realize that it was not a live staple so we were lucky. Thought the opener was OK when they didn\’t sing sounded kind of like the guy from Metric. He did have the lamest Y\’all ever.

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