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Rewind - PLF and Krullur at Rudyard’s 02/18/2011

Submitted by Commandrea on February 22, 2025 – 11:09 am6 Comments
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by RamonLP4

PLF killed on Friday night!

Let me just say that there is nothing better than walking into Rudyard’s and hearing Slayer’s “South of Heaven” blasting. Sweet!

Sure I missed Keno Sims (who had filled in the slot vacated by the Talk Sick Brats) but watching Krullur set up was kind of its own entertainment. The drum kit was this huge monstrous beast of cherry-red toms rigged with a crazy array of drum triggers. The microphone stands were chains - I shit you not! And, behind them, they unfurled a huge banner with the band’s name on it. The oddest things about Krullur was how bad the drums and bass sounded by themselves. The bass tone was thin and midrange-y and the drums sounded flat acoustically then almost metallic when blasted through the PA via the drum triggers. Yet, despite that, once the band started-up, it sounded pretty awesome. Perhaps the guitar just filled enough of the frequencies where the rest of the band just had to lay off the low end but whatever the case, it worked pretty damn well. Flailing solos, fists raised in the Dio devil sign, and a whole lot of beer flying - what more could you ask for? Krullur is a band who clearly has mastered its craft. Hell, they’ve been doing this for two decades!  They can drop a crazy-ass solo, crunch a heavy riff, and growl into the microphone with the best of them and at the same time aren’t ashamed to just have a good time with the crowd who they had whipped into a frenzy.  Sure a glass of beer may break on the floor or maybe you get a nasty bruise but that’s all right; this isn’t church after all, it’s metal!  Let the beer and riffs flow!

After Krullur, I was told that HRA had also canceled their appearance. No explanation was given and I half expected this to be a short night but then it became apparent that PLF was setting up on stage. Holy Shit!

I don’t know about you guys but I think PLF are one of Houston’s most ass-kicking grind bands. I hadn’t actually seen them in a while and what is really cool about their current set-up is that they are just a duo and, man, are they ever punishing. The set-up is awesome, Davel Callier places a bass amp and a guitar amp at either end of the stage and splits his signal between them - one handles the low end and the other the mid and high range. The result is that I didn’t miss the bass guitar at all - it was just this punishing barrage of sound that was indescribably brutal. And then Frank Faerman drums!!! Oh man that guy is a force of nature! Even before the microphones were positioned, his kit sounded massive and amazing. That guy has this ability to not just be able to beat the crap out of his kit but also play with finesse in his drumming – it’s a quality you can’t overlook. It only goes to prove that you don’t need a huge kit to sound amazing!

Personally, I’d love to see a show of PLF and Golden Axe. With Golden Axe’s more metal leanings and PLF’s grind style, I’d expect that the two would create a powerful singularity that would cause a black hole to appear taking the universe with it. That would be awesome!

Krullur - Yes we have chain mic stands!

Krullur - Yes, we have Drum Triggers too!

A Krullur fan shows his appreciation.

Krullur - becasue even a small venue like Rudyard's deserves a full stack!

All hail the Krullur fans

Nothing says love more than the gift of metal!

PLF's Dave Callier makes with the cookie monster metal voice.

PLF's Frank Faerman is like a shaolin master of the drums.

PLF circle pit

PLF - It's amazing how punishing two people can be.

Raise your beer high for PLF

Full Slideshow:


  • MartyisGod says:

    cool that FPH is featuring PLF and Krullur but can you get someone who actually knows something about the music. Of course Krullur has to have that set up, no matter where they play, or it wouldn’t be Krullur!! It’s METAL, IT’S SUPPOSED TO LOUD AS ALL HELL!!

    Oh and PLF have done shows with Golden Axe.

  • MartyisGod says:

    Ramon, i get all riled up about my friends’ bands more than i do my own. the article seemed to come off kind of smart-assed. Had i known you wrote this, i might have taken it differently.

    FYI: krullur uses the same set up(gear, stands, banner) at every one of their shows no matter the location. It’s who they are and it rules!!

    PLF has been a two piece for over a year now i believe. no one has been able keep up with their hectic schedule. as you saw, they don’t need a bass player to crush!!

    Not all could make the show was the reason for the cancellation.

  • Ramon LP4 says:

    FYI: krullur uses the same set up(gear, stands, banner) at every one of their shows no matter the location. It’s who they are and it rules!!

    I assumed as much. I just had never experienced them before and was amused by it all. Again, not in any kind of hatin’ way just in a kind of awe about it all kind of way. I mean on the one hand, they really would kick just as much ass without it but it’s pretty awesome to see a band go that extra mile. I guess that is what I was trying to get across sorry if it sounded flippant.

    And yeah, it was kind of a surprise to see them as a two piece and I was kind of skeptical before I heard Dave’s amps at sound check - damn that is a fucking unparallelled guitar tone!

    and yeah no worries. I’ll catch y’all soon, I was just curious was all.

  • Dave of Death says:

    Great article, and great photography! Thanks for the coverage, Ramon. Keep up the good work! Cheers

    Dave PLF

  • Candace Christ-Superstar says:

    I think it’s pretty cool to see this article in the Free Press. Actually, I think it’s pretty cool that Kruller and PLF played Rudyard’s too. I think this should happen more.


  • Fan of Death says:

    The person who reviewed this show is a complete idiot.Krullur’s drummer/guitarist plays circles around PLf’s and then some. Got that? As for their sound, blame the soundman.He didn’t get it right until halfway through Krullur’s set.
    Oh yeah, but they had chain mic stands-Is that all you got?

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