Articles tagged with: politics
By: John Pluecker
Towards the end of City Council Meeting: Performed Participatory Democracy last night at Palm Center, a young boy behind me whined, “This is so weird.” I tend to agree. The emotional …
If you frequent 90.1 on the dial here in Houston, you maybe familiar with a program called Democracy Now!, hosted by a fiery, progressive journalist named Amy Goodman. For the past 15 years, Democracy Now! has provided …
You know what the politicians say (what their focus groups tell them you want to hear), you know what the pundits say (whatever will get them more ratings), and you know what the comics say (whatever will get them a cheap laugh)-now come hear the poets.

By: Bill Lambert*
Something is happening in local activism. Protest and civil disobedience arrests are mounting in Houston– totaling more than 100– in just dozens of actions over the past year. Haven’t heard about it? You’re not alone. Here’s a …

By: Erin Dyer
Houston-born instrumental Jazz band, Free Radicals, has released their newest CD: “The Freedom Fence.” Since the band’s founding in 1996 by drummer and producer, Nick Cooper, the Free Rads’ discography includes The Rising …

The Kinkster (preparing for a show at the Dosey Doe this month) talks with the Free Press about his heroes, his run for governor, Rick Perry, the Nashville and Hollywood establishment, the unchecked power of money in politics, and why dogs are much better than politicians.