Tomatoes for Winning!
Charlie Sheen will be dumping his “Violent Torpedo of Truth Tour” here tonight at Verizon Wireless. You all may have heard that his tour has not been the best for him as people have bantered for him to “get the fuck off stage” “fuck you” and “you piece of shit mother fucker”. So just exactly what does Sheen do on this tour? Honestly, I have seen video clips of his “performance” and I still don’t get what he’s doing. Neither did the people who demanded their money back. So if you still want to take a glimpse and have the chance to say “I saw Charlie Sheen.” without paying for his garbage, he will be next door to Verizon Wireless at Lucie’s Liquor where he will be “winning” after his show. Tonight will be safe with our wallet as well for their domestics and wells are only $2 along with $3 calls. <-good to know for those who drink.
He gets booed off stage a lot so I am assuming tonight will not be any more different so before you go head over, get some nice plumpy organic tomatoes and knock the shit out of him.