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Tonight’s Recession Thursday!! Studemont Project, Wicked Poseur, Wolves at the Door, & Trusty Tape Recorder!!

Submitted by admin on July 10, 2025 – 2:33 pmNo Comment
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Well, I had hoped that a guest blogger was going to hype this show but that fell through leaving me no time to properly post a preview of this show. Mercifully our fearless leader Omar Afra (who also puts these together I might add) was good enough to help me out by writing this preview. Here is his preview! Now Get out there! (PS. Thanks Bro!)

Join us at tonight Numbers for another clutch-time extravaganza that is Recession Thursdays
-Dollar Beers
-Just 5 bux at the door
-Free smacks in the face (Limit 10 per person)
-Door at 9-ish

-and these great bands

Studemont Project has been serving up the homegrown style of live band hip-hop around these parts for years. Their sound has steadily evolved and tightened into a more organic direction with additions of guitar player Tom of the Ton Tons and bass player David. They have plugged their sounds with loads more melody and abrupt changes that a band format can only deliver in a hip-hop context. Emcees Christian and Gilbert work together seam-lessy and are one of the best rhyming pairs in the city. Always a good show. ( As I was writing this, a copy of their new album, Warmth of the Midnight Sun, was delivered by FedEx to our office. Expect a review in the publication)

Wicked Poseur scores an impressive 36 on the one to ten clutch-meter. Deftly combining Billy Idol-esque Brit pop with quasi garage sensibilities, these folks are no doubt a great live band. Last time me saw them, I was nothing short of impressed.

Wolves at the Door is an experimental indie jam band that spends lots of time building crescendos into pretty little ditties. Their songs tend to bounce from songwriting to jamming with the inclusion of horns and healthy masturbation. Remember, masturbation is always healthy.

Trusty Tape Recorder makes like psychedelic noisy electronic experimental stylings like you mother used to. Lots of low-fi guitar and shakers round out the sound to remind you that TTR can go in other directions.

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