Rhapsody just got better

I only started using Rhapsody’s online music service about a month ago but besides the occasional loading and buffering issues with the website and iPhone app I’ve been extremely impressed. Rhapsody has a pretty extensive catalog which includes basically 98% of any music I’d be looking for.
The big selling point for me was the free iPhone app which allows anyone with a subscription to access thousands of artists on the go. Before this week the application was sort of glitchy and problematic but worked most of the time which I begrudgingly accepted during the times it didn’t. However, the new Rhapsody 2.0 update allows users who pay for the ten dollar per month service, to listen to play-lists offline, solving the problem of choppiness and the occasional but irritating cutting out that sometimes occurs. Now Rhapsody is an even smarter buy for audiophiles sporting iPhones. Ten bucks a month now seems like an ever better deal to me than it first did.