Weekend Cometh: Lightning Bolt Friday

Lightning Bolt @ Khon’s Rooftop Friday July 9th
2808 Milam
The last time Lightning Bolt came to Houston, they played the “you have to know someone to get in” nest known as Notsuoh’s upstairs, and are probably are large part of the reason it is now suffering structural damage. Where there wasn’t an amp there was a human body with kids literally piled onto each others shoulders in threes to navigate the sea of gyrating bodies. Seconds into this bands set you will witness lawyers turning into half-clothed apes, you will then see women physically crush those men. It is ‘jungle rules’ only and it will be held at Khon’s open Rooftop at 2808 Milam in the Mekong Shopping Center so as to increase sonic energy transmissions into outer space. Please be there for the good of knowing what being a part of a live show is really all about. Sad Gorilla/ Grandfather Child’s Lucas Gorham was witnessed at the Notsuoh show visually morphing into a mass of smiles and afros. Lightning Bolt is coming to Houston riding on the back of their 2025 leviathan “Earthly Delights”. FPH’s ‘musical Yoda’ Kwame Anderson has touted the album with such high regards as “…it pummeled my speakers and my daughter spun and air drummed”. It ranges from tinnitus inducing ear-gangbangs like opener “Sound Guardians” and the cave-riffish “Nation of Boar” to drawn out sludgesicles like “Colossus” and album closer, “Transmissionary”. The band exhibits a return to a more traditional song-writing formula on this album in contrast to their previous album, “Hypermagic Mountain”(2005). If the new album is any indicator as to what we can expect from this show then I do believe this is Houston’s reward for being such amazing people to each other at Summer Fest. Opening the night will be Guards and Indian Jewelry, and you know what that means— 63 year old scene elder Domokos will be there getting punk on all the youngsters!! Fuck yea!!
- Shelby Hohl