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Interview with Wild Flag

Submitted by admin on October 20, 2025 – 10:29 amNo Comment
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     In highschool I remember seeing Sleater-Kinney with my friend Natalie. We’d go to these shows, sing along to all the words until the band was forgotten, and then hop over to the next band that was coming to town. We were show whores. Since then I have not heard from this band since 2025. They have vanished. It was around the time where the music scene also forgot about The Donnas. Were female bands fading away? While I was in Chicago for the US Air Guitar Championships at The Metro I was speaking with one of the employees in the “gift shop”. She asked if I knew about Carrie Brownstein’s new band Wild Flag, because they were performing that night in Chicago. That’s too darn bad, because I would be performing a small magic show at The Metro. I guess seeing Wild Flag would have to wait. That wait is almost over because this all-female garage rock band is performing in Houston at Fitzgeralds Thursday, October 27th with Drew Grow & The Pastor’s wives.

Jacob: In the “Romance” music video I noticed the Merge albums that you flung off the shelf in Jackpot Records, but then put your own album up on the shelf. Was this a “Hey Merge bands get the fuck outta my way” notion? hahaha

Janet: It was all done in good fun. The whole scenario was Tom’s (director) idea. We had to use records on Merge so we wouldn’t get into any legal trouble. We actually love those bands.

Jacob: It looked like a fun shoot. So with the job roles you girls had how
far are they from your real lives when not being in a band?

Janet: The roles were meant to be comical, to be those which are very different from our real lives. That’s what makes the video funny, don’t you think? I have never been a janitor, but I do like the jump suit.

Jacob:  Definitely. I ask because it’s odd for you and Carrie to make another “office” video
with your first being with Sleater-Kinney in “Jumpers”.

Janet: That similarity is just a coincidence.  

Jacob: Merge Records is a very successful label, but were there any
discussion of going back to Sub Pop because of your old band?

Janet: Merge was our number one choice. We were thrilled when they were interested in putting out the record.

Jacob: You’ve played with Bright Eyes, Elliot Smith, and Steven Malkmus. Do you feel that you’ve got more creative control when you are performing with your own band or do these other artists let you do your thing, because obviously you’re a great drummer and had you be a part of their project.

Janet: I definitely have more creative control in a band like Wild Flag, or Sleater-Kinney as well for that matter. My other band Quasi is very collaborative too. When it’s a person’s name on the marquee, they usually have the most and final say.

Jacob: I believe what really grabs my attention with Wild Flag are the keys. It’s as if S-K picked up where you guys left off, but with keyboards. So how did WF come about?

 Janet: We worked on music for a documentary film, and in doing so, got the idea to try our hand at a more serious collaboration. We wrote songs for several months, and toured down the west coast, and eventually moved forward as a real band.

Jacob: As an artist you’ve been very successful. What would you like to see with Wild Flag in the future?

 Janet: I would like to see Wild Flag continue to write vital music.

Jacob: Sounds like a good deal to me! I’m not sure if you know, but you’ve got the butt rock band, Mastodon performing at Fitzgerald’s the same night as your band in a different area of the venue. How are you guys going to be faster, louder, and radder than them!

 Janet: If you don’t show up, you’ll never know.

Jacob: You are so mysterious. Thanks and we’ll see you there!

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