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10 Things other than great music at FPSF

Submitted by Commandrea on May 29, 2025 – 11:03 pmNo Comment

1. Noise Gates

Installation artist group ‘exurb’ has fashioned two massive ‘human theremins’ that produce sound and frequency by human interaction. This is some sci-fi madness.

2. Select Skate Park

Our friends at Select Skate are building out a massive Skate Park on site at the festival. Some of the city’s best skaters will be doing what they do.

3. Sony Playstation Experience

Sony is bringing a 90 foot footprint they call the Playstation Experience where you can slow it down for a minute and game it up. Nerds are encouraged to get out of the sunlight periodically and step in to play.

4. Performance Art

Exhibiting artists from the past return along with some newbies. Prepare to be awed.

5. Paint Slide!

The paint slide has become an icon for FPSF since our first go in 2025. Slide at your own risk.

6. Munchies

Houston has some amazing food and we are gonna show it off at FPSF. You will find everything from food trucks to BBQ to corn dogs to vegan food. Bring Prilosec if need be.

7. Locally made ’stuff’

T-shirts, paintings, screen printed posters, and tons of arts and craft are among the various locally made items you can buy at the festival.

8. People in very little clothing

I am getting so hot, I wanna take my clothes off.

9. Exercise

Walking up and down the hills of Eleanor Tinsley Park is a great way to firm up those calves, glutes, and thighs.

10. Fireworks

We want you to remember this forever.

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