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Lastnight’s secret show was MARS VOLTA at Fitz!

Submitted by Commandrea on March 22, 2025 – 12:53 pm6 Comments

By Jacob Calle: This past week was SXSW in Austin. It was very expected to see hipsters following bands on Twitter to see where the next secret pop up show would be , but this is Houston, where the hipsters follow the $1 well specials on weekdays. As I am talking to my professor at school I receive a text from a friend reminding me that Omar Rodriguez Lopez was playing at Fitzgerald’s. I immediately left to see one of my musical heros. The petite Puerto Rican from El Paso, TX who once played guitar for At the Drive In. As I walked up I see a large line of desperate fans trying to get in to a sold out show. “Are you selling tickets!”, one asked in hopes that he could see Omar’s solo project. Just as I walk through the front door Bucky co-founder of Hands Up Houston pulls me aside with this amazing glow on his face. He whispers, “Do you KNOW who’s playing tonight!” I immediately knew just by his expression. “Sshhhhhh! Don’t say anything! Don’t even tweet it!”, he says. I was now excited to see the faces on the people upstairs. The lights were off. The band was ready to perform. Enters on stage Omar. The crowd cheered and phones were raised to capture a shot of this Texas punk legend. Then behind Cedric, lead singer of At the Drive In walks on stage and the crowd went haywire. “Holy shit! Holy shit! No fucking way!” I heard someone shout. I ran up stairs to get a good view. Mars Volta was about to give Fitzgerald’s a luscious lap dance that never be forgotten. The band played their latest record. Cedric pulled out his At the Drive In bucking bronco kicks and his aggravated pop locks that seemed as if his nerves in his neck were being sliced with a rusty scalpel. Omar jerked and swayed with ease while beating the shit out of his wammy bar. He stayed in focus with the music and conducted a musical chaos. The other band members shyed away in the back while Cedric and Omar shined the light. Even not knowing these songs, it was an amazing set. Just watching these two wild stallions was good enough. In my opinion Cedric being the best frontman that rock and roll has ever witnessed. As I left walking down White Oak I overheard a guy describe how unbelievable the show was. I asked his if he had any clue about Mars Volta performing. “Holy fucking shit! No lie that that was fucking Volta!” He ran his fingers through his hair as if he was just mind blown. And you know what? He was, along with everyone there. I thought SXSW was over and on a Monday night after class I just saw the most amazing secret show. On behalf of everyone last night, Omar and Pegstar, thank you.


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