White Mystery - Red Haired Garage Awesomeness

by Ramon LP4
Chicago’s White Mystery are a are a raging fiery force of big brutal drums and loud scuzzy guitars - a 60’s inspired garage rock that gives no quarter. Sibling duo Alex (guitar/vocals) and Francis (drums) White’s upcoming album Blood and Venom (due out on April 20,2011) is not to be taken lightly. Don’t believe me? Check this track from the album out: White Mystery - Bood & Venom . Embedded in those grooves are guitar riffs and big beats so heavy that they reach between your ears, rip out your brain, stomps the crap out of it, then throws what is left back at you. I swear I’m in ICU as I dictate this!
If you are bummed about their show last night at Mango’s being canceled*, you can still catch them at SXSW this week. Here is a short e-mail interview they did for us before sending us to the hospital.
FPH - OK let’s get the hair questions out of the way because I know you get asked about this all time but America needs to know the truth. How awesome is your hair really?
WM – It’s all natural.
FPH - Alex, clearly your hair has some kind of bad ass Samson like power to your guitar playing. Is it the color, the length, or both that gives you these super powers?
WM - My red curly hair forges a destined path to rock and I travel the country fulfilling that prophecy.
FPH - Francis same question but about your drumming?
FW - The length of my hair creates motion while drumming.
FPH - I read that your hair can actually be called into service by some super secret defense department program. Who is your nemesis? Why have they devoted their lives to destroying your ability to rock the fuck out?
WM - Giant squids and aliens are on Francis’ shit list, along with anything that exists in a vacuum. Alex battles cats daily and avoids feline eye contact to keep her soul safe.
FPH - OK, sorry to take you down that rabbit hole. Let’s get a little more real now. Alex you also play in Miss Alex White and the Red Orchestra. How is White Mystery different in approach and collaboration?
WM - White Mystery is an equal partnership between my brother Francis and I that is DIY-powered, entrepreneurial punk hustle. Miss Alex White & the Red Orchestra was a cool assemblage of musicians from Detroit that released a bunch of In the Red Records. You hear my voice, Rickenbacker, songwriting, and colorful aesthetic in both projects.
FPH - That’s a pretty ugly tone you are getting out of that Rick. I love Ricks and that jangly sound you get out of them but that is a pretty fat ass sound you’ve got on Blood and Venom. What ya running and also what influenced your overall guitar sound?
WM - My Fireglo 330 Rickenbacker scuzzes through an old Big Muff Pie into a 2×12 Rockerverb Orange combo. I’m fortunate to be an Orange Amps artist and in very good company (Black Sabbath!). Its the fatty fattest tone possible, with deep reverb. I like a big, round tone, and max out all the knobs. I’ve fallen in love with a lot of fun guitars, but its short-lived lust compared to the relationship carved deep in my soul with the Rick.
FPH - How do you think your second album differs from your first and how, if at all was the process and recording different?
WM - The new Blood & Venom songs were written and recorded during 2 months of the dark, frigid Chicago winter this year. While both the first and now second album were recorded in the same steel factory with Joel’s Gear by Devin Davis, there’s a distinction in moods.
FPH - How did you guys grow up as musical siblings? Was there ever any rivalry? Did you drive your parents crazy?
WM - We grew up in an environment conducive to creativity that made falling in love with rock’n'roll easy. White Momma is the notorious Disco Demolition photographer, Diane Alexander White. She’s #1 to make the band run smoothly, from making merch with the WM intern Saraswati Jasmine, shooting all the album photography, and packing homemade snacks for tour. The whole White Family is full of independent thinkers and there’s a freedom in that.
FPH - Your live shows get a lot of people just flipping out. What are your favorite shows and what are your worst?
WM - Live shows with White Mystery transform normal humans into ravenous wolves and a Dionysian frenzy. The worst show we played was Peace Fest last summer, where the misogynist, burnout promoter kicked us off stage after three minutes so a mariachi band could play. Best shows so far were opening for Iron & Wine in front of thousands of people in St. Louis, headlining Bitchpork last summer, shredding for friends at Alex’s one-bedroom apartment on 4/20, and playing after hours at the Uncle Fun toy store in sweaty chaos. We look forward to playing a White Mystery double header release show for Blood & Venom at Pancho’s in Chicago on April 20, 2025 the most.
FPH - So you are coming into Houston. Do you have a message you want me to pass along to our readers?
WM - White Mystery hopes to return soon!
Here are the White Mysteries upcoming SXSW Dates
Mar 15 - Club DeVille - 9pm, Free
Mar 16 - Trailer Space - 330pm - Burger Records Showcase - All Ages
Mar 17 - Headhunters - 6pm - Blackout Booking Showcase
Mar 18 - Trailer Space 4pm Free, All Ages
Mar 19 - Beerland 7pm
Mar 20 - Beerland
*Correction: the article originally stated that the show occurred at Mango’s last night. The show was (unbeknownst to this writer) canceled.
Who put the show together last night, because I wanna tell them to fuck themselves for being a horrible promoter. White Mystery are one of my favorite young bands and I had ZERO idea this show was happening.
And I apologize for not “keeping it clean”
That sucks that you didn’t know about it and it’s really fucking weak that there were no flyers at Mangos! I hope they keep their promise and swing back through Houston again because they deserve some good promotion and that upcoming album is so fucking good that you’ll punch yourself when you hear it!
Wow, I hadn’t heard of the cancelation. Man, and I was all bummed because I wasn’t able to make the show yesterday.
Whatever the case yesterday…just get your asses back here soon. We us need some White Mystery.
I was really upset about the lack of promotion as well. Nothing in print anywhere. Fitzgerald and Mangos are the people to go to in Houston, I wonder why they dropped the ball?
[...] you wincing in pain. We talked to them a few months ago and you can read the interview here (link) if you missed it. Oh yeah, and the rest of the line up is damn good [...]