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Start a Love Train! Flash Mob to Take Light Rail

Submitted by Rob McCarthy on November 2, 2025 – 12:44 pmNo Comment

This Saturday there will be a flash mob organized to raise awareness for voting against the Metro referendum. For those of you who don’t know, the short and sweet is that there has been some very cleverly and deceptive wording used to trick voters into essentially halting the development of the Metro transit plans for Houston. Here is our in depth article on this.

The flash mob will be meeting up at the Wheeler light rail station around 12:30. From there, demonstrators and attendees will be given t-shirts, information cards, and the routine for the flash mob performance. After rehearsing, they will be taking their performance on to the train, sometime around 1:00 pm, and then spread out while on board the train to maximize the potential for audience.

How can you get involved? Easy! Just show up with an extra shirt or light jacket to disguise yourself. Check out the facebook event page to find out more details.

Demonstrations like this are a fun way to get involved with letting the city of Houston know about the sly trickery of the Metro referendum. The way things are, so many voters will be voting for something that they mean to be voting against, so the more help we can get in spreading the word, the better off we will be!

This is a legal demonstration, so all participants will be required to buy a ticket for the rail, and by doing so, are supporting the cause they are supporting. That makes sense, right? Right.

Did I mention this flash mob is going to be doing some singing the song “Love Train” by The O’Jays in their performance? Why would you want to miss out on that? Join hands! Start a love train! And if you miss it, I feel sorry, sorry for you!

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