Testify - 7 inches of Titan Blood

Remember that bratty sweaty kid in high school? The one that couldn’t stand still and would stand up to people and shout in their ear, grab them by the shoulders and shake them violently, then madly go jumping through the cafeteria kicking everyone’s lunch demanding people’s attention before being hauled off to detention? That’s the new Titan Blood 7”. Five tracks of obnoxious spit spewing punk that not only thinks you fucking suck but will tell you so at the loudest volume possible. It’s bursting with energy, funny, and a hell of a lot of fun. Hell, they even throw in a soul instrumental just to fuck with your expectations. Tomorrow at Rudyard’s, the quartet spreads will ‘em wide and give birth to this little disc of etched sound with an unrivaled cast of local bands - The Energy, Weird Party, and The Mahas. We e-mailed Hank Doyle a few questions for him and the band and they were good enough to spit some responses right back.
FPH - The new 7″ is a pretty awesome slab of punk. Where was it recorded and how was that process?
Ryan- Thank you. The process was short and to the point. We recorded with our good friend William Hesser at Dead City. Lyrics were written in the studio.
FPH - I sense a theme in all these songs. “Too Much Talk” , “Can’t Stand You”, on Weird Territory you sing “your friend are fucking annoying”, and in I’m a goon you spout “Don’t wanna dance/ Don’t wannna talk talk talk talk talk talk talk/ Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah”. What’s the inspiration for all these lyrics?
Ryan- Some people just talk too much.
FPH - Nice addition by the way on the Piano. You don’t hear that too often in garage/punk stuff. What brought that about?
Manie- I think tha’s exactly why we did it, because most “punk” bands aren’t doing that right now. My favorite albums have piano on them so all we really did was follow suit to bands we idolize.
Ryan- Manie is a God, at times it’s reminiscent of old British Oi and other times to me it has a Jerry Lee Lewis feel to it.
FPH - Halftime is pretty awesome. A punk band pulling off soul is pretty fucking sweet. What inspired that?
Manie-Piano is the easiest way for me to get my ideas out, it’s always been that way, so It’s just a song that I wrote that I thought would sound good on the record, it wasn’t planned it just happened. I hope it’s well received.
FPH - Who is releasing the 7″? I noticed Aaron Danger is DJing did he have anything to do with it?
Hank - We are releasing the record with money we (and our other bands) have made from playing shows and selling shirts, tapes, and the like. Aaron [Team Science] had a huge hand in making it happen, in that he showed me what do to.
FPH - How does Titan Blood figure into the whole TB collective universe?
Ryan- TB collective was started as an outlet for our projects, whether it be zines or Titan Blood, the Burden, or Castrati releases. Instead of relying on other labels, we can put releases out ourselves, on our time.
FPH - I want to step away from the 7″ real quick and discuss the band. How did you guys form, what does everyone bring to the table, and what do you hope to accomplish with this band that you guys aren’t doing in you other bands?
Ryan- Hank and I were talking about starting an Oi side project to the Burden,nothing more nothing less. Once we got the line up together and Manie and Hank started writing, it blossomed into something more. The writing process is pretty much Manie, Hank and Pete writing the music and me writing the words. It goes over terribly well; the only thing we seem to argue about is what songs to cover.
FPH - The line-up on Friday is pretty much a garage/punk all star line up, there not a single sogger in the group. Who put that together and what kind of pummeling should people expect?
Ryan- I love all the bands playing, very excited about the show. Hank and Manie probably put the line up together, I have no clue. I think Aaron Danger helped with it. Aaron made his own Champion hoody once. I love that guy.
Manie- Those bands are our friends, I listen to all of their records on a regular basis. We wouldn’t have wanted the lineup any other way.
Hank - I’m excited about the DJs. All those bands can suck it.

Friday, November 18th 2025
Titan Blood perform with The Mahas, Weird Party, and The Energy @ Rudyards Pub
Doors 8pm, Show 9pm, $8, 21+