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When will we learn?

Submitted by admin on July 27, 2025 – 2:39 pm2 Comments

I just recently read about another spill in the Gulf caused by a maritime collision with another well. The last thing the Louisiana coast needs is more oil. However, the real shocker, or maybe not such a shocker, is the fact the federal government does not know, at this time, to whom the leaking well actually belongs. Did we learn nothing from the BP spill? Was it not enough to encourage the feds to investigate the safety of every well off our coast or at least check how many wells there actually are? Of course, being a freak accident the spill probably wouldn’t have been prevented even if we did know who the well belongs to. However, it is disturbing that federal government doesn’t know who drilled the well. It sounds as if the spill should be contained in a few hours but this could have been worse. Better regulation is in order here.


  • Ryan says:

    We will learn when it’s too late. When every living thing on the planet is shouting out “you killed us you fucking twats!”. Also, I am not “We”, We is actually “they’. Sorry, I just try not to identify. Since “they” suck.

  • admin says:

    Succinctly put.

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