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Interview: David Larry Lorrack

Submitted by @GunsandTacos on January 16, 2025 – 1:36 pmOne Comment

By Jack Daniel Betz

I met David Larry Lorrack for the first time almost a year ago now. I was covering the tail end of the Super Happy Fun Land SXSW Overflow Fest and during that last week, the turnout wasn’t great. I didn’t know anyone there (which is unusual) so I paced around; biding my time while everyone else shot the shit. But then I bumped into a stern looking, red-bearded, David.

By appearances, I judged him to be a surly, longhaired, metal-head, probably an atheist with contempt for any kind of organized religion. Not so. In fact, David is a very affable, devout Christian with a unique vehicle for delivering the good news: thunderous, cacophonous, harsh noise music under the name Black Magic Marker.

Don’t a lot of people think that you’re in to Satan because of the darkness of your act and some of the imagery?

People that are too afraid to ask me might. By shows end they see the whole meaning. I represent JESUS CHRIST foremost. Welcome MATT124345 (a spooky instrumental) is the first song off ‘SIDE DARK’ released in 008. (Thanks JEFF) [Jeff was a former collaborator in BMM] That is also a bible verse over PA usually in the opening” I am your ADVErSARY” (the defeated foe) (the father of lies) JOHN1010 where i don a cloak and skull mask wandering through the audience screaming.

What’s the most negative most ridiculous reaction people have to your work?

Hecklers that try to interrupt. There was one guy that said he didn’t ask JESUS to die for him.

I’ve had threats till they found out my beliefs. I had a guy tell me that I was a modern day John the Baptist, which wasn’t negative at all. I’ve had others just get up and walk out due to the feedback in the set or because they’re offended.

A lot of your performances are done in movements or acts. What goes into a performance by Black Magic Marker?

Lots of prayer…what I call Raw Meat the Gory Story of Love. The opening act (a spooky instrumental) is about a variety of topics. Act II mostly I just go with what comes out through my fender 100watt bass amp that night. My first noise music experience came from the sounds from the squeaky dryer in my basement at age nine. It’s structured but allows anything from power chords to feedback that I try to manipulate I use different strings all on a BC Rich Warlock: piano wires, 120 pound test fishing line, banjo strings, and real bass strings for deep sound. And a contact mic and death metal pedal although I do prepare and backtrack on a 4 track cassette (don’t laugh, I still use dinosaur technology) where I appear bloody and carry a 8 ft cross and wear a crown of thorns scream of THE MAN OF LOVE beaten beyond recognition ISAIAH 50:6. Act III is a graveyard setting where “blackmagicmarker” appears on a tombstone I painted. And carry around a bloody sheet representing the burial cloth for the single ONLY THE SHROUD REMAINS…

Where did you get that cool lyre thing?

What you seen is actually a bowed psaltery I received last Christmas from JeffVoyd. After researching it, the psaltery was used by the one who wrote psalms. I do now own a lyre that was donated to my cause by Flakey and Poopylungstuffing from SuperHappyFunLand where I did my first show in 2025 and play there quite often. PSALMS 33:2&3 sez Praise the Lord with the harp: Sing to Him with the psaltery and an instrument of ten strings. Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully with a loud noise (i.e. a blast of joy)

Even the name Black Magic Marker is kind of dark sounding for something that has a Christian inspiration. Where did the name come from?

As it is I always wore a blackmagicmarker around my neck as a poet (never know when a poem will come out) back in 05 MUZAK JOHN was having a birthday party asked to play I didn’t have a name for the band I was signing his b-day card in of what else but a black magic marker. So kind of joking said we should call our band that. It stuck in minds…growing on people as the concepts and inspiration started flowing, making our mark so to speak. A marker is another name for a tombstone marking the death to something or someone. We have a song called “IN THE GRAVEYARD” and its inspired meaning is…..MARKING THE DEATH TO BLACK MAGIC…. an opposing force to belief in JESUS THE CHRIST.

You said your performance isn’t a mockery of the crucifixion and the passion but instead it’s like a glorification of Christ.

Exactly. My place on the stage is to be in praise and adoration of Christ at HIS FEET not to be in HIS SEAT.

I remember during the SXSW overflow fest last year you held up a stone with 666 on it. What does that mean to you?

Haha, did you not have your glasses or the stage lights blind you? It actually said ISAIAH 66 verse 6 ISAIAH 66:6 was how it appeared on the stone which is the encore and core purpose. “A VOICE OF NOISE FROM THE CITY A VOICE FROM A TEMPLE A VOICE OF LORD…. noise…is the styling of experimental music in many cities all over the world and as blackmagicmarker feel like it needs “a voice ” hope mine is a sufficient one. It’s been said, “pictures are worth a thousand word”, hope they speak in loud volume!!!!

Any last words?

The last shall be first and the first shall be last. And thank you to anyone who has given me an ear, to, whomever has an ear, let them hear.


One Comment »

  • Austin Fox says:

    This guy is a true blessing and creative force. iam glad to have met him under strange circumstances and he always be in my heart and mind, one of he sweetest most caring men to embrace noise music.

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