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Long Live Pussy Riot

Submitted by Amanda Hart on August 1, 2025 – 8:36 amOne Comment

The trial of three members of the Russian punk band, Pussy Riot, has begun. The three women, Maria Alyokhina, 24, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, 22, and Yekaterina Samutsevich, 29, were arrested in early March on charges of“hooliganism” and have been in jail ever since.  And as if five months behind bars for staging an impromptu performance in a cathedral isn’t bad enough, they are facing up to seven years in prison if found guilty.

Pussy Riot is a feminist punk band from Russia that has been causing ‘trouble’ for almost a year now.  Five of the ten members staged a performance on the altar at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow in February, a few weeks before March’s presidential elections were set to begin. They rushed the altar dressed in their signature brightly colored dresses and balaclava masks and sang a song directed at the Virgin Mary. The song “Mother of God, Drive Putin Away!” which has since become known as a punk prayer, called on the mother of God to save Russia from Valdamir Putin and Patriarch Kirill, leader of the Russian church. Kirill has been very outspoken, calling the performance blasphemy and requesting the toughest punishment be applied to all three women. The performance which consisted of singing, praying and dancing lasted less than a minute before three of the five women were apprehended.

This trial is highly political, especially for Putin, and and many Russian citizens feel as though an example is being made of the women in an attempt to squash any future plans of protesting Putin, the Kremlin or the church. In opening remarks at the trial, a statement written by one of the members, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, stated that they may have committed an “ethical error” and apologized to anyone who was offended by their performance. However, the apology was followed by a statement that labeled the Russian government anything but pleasant,  ”We, like many of our compatriots, find unpleasant the insidiousness, deceit, venality, hypocrisy, acquisitiveness and lawlessness with which our current leadership and authorities are sinning… .” And according to the prosecution the three women are agents of Satan and are just a fraction of the massive uprising plotting to destroy Russia.

Amnesty International has come to the aid of the women behind bars and are actively campaigning to have them released. However, just last week, the Moscow City Court ruled that the women will serve at least another six months behind bars for the current charges against them. Supporters of Pussy Riot are not the only ones who have been outspoken about the harsh punishment being inflicted on the women. Many community members, including some Orthodox believers, have publicly stated that the punishment does not fit the crime.

Turns out, supporters of Pussy Riot are growing worldwide and here in Houston you too can come out and show your support. A demonstration has been planned for  Thursday, August 9th from 5pm-7pm outside of the Consulate General of Russia located at 1333 West Loop S. (#1300), Houston, TX. Attendees are being asked to create some sort of colorful art and/or posters to help demonstrate support of Pussy Riot.  Additionally, supporters interested in attending this peaceful protest are also being asked to  adorn themselves with their most vibrant pair of stockings, dresses and balaclavas. Men, feel free to use this as the excuse you have been waiting for to borrow one of your girlfriends dresses .

For more info check out the ‘Houston Loves Pussy Riot’  Facebook event page.

One Comment »

  • Jaysun Starr says:

    Madonna displays PUSSY RIOT on her back at recent concert: she took grief for the display…LENNY BRUCE DIED FOR OUR SINS!

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