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M83 - Hurry up we’re dreaming

Submitted by @GunsandTacos on October 27, 2024 – 1:05 pmOne Comment

By Jack Daniel Betz

While lacking the concise hits of “Saturdays=Youth”, M83’s new album succeeds because it is so thoroughly listenable is its own musical universe. There aren’t any real standouts on this LP because it is so album-oriented in nature. That should be apparent even just from the impressive two-disc length.

Previously, “Kim and Jessie” signalled, at least for a minute, a move toward a more concrete song structure when compared to the indefinite and boundary-less songs of past albums. Much the same for the long-winded but slightly pop-rock structured “Skin of the Night”.

However, for M83 the pendulum has swung back toward pure electronic and kraut-rock psychedelia. Echoing and pulsing with brightness, “Intro” sets the tone for the entire album, introducing washed out lyrics, celestial synth pads, and a lack of definite refrain. The far happier mood works out to be very Sigur Ros. See the quiet, “Wait”. “Splendor” is by far the most distinct and beautiful song, boasting choral arrangements and strings.

The most accessible numbers in a non-album setting are the highly promoted, “Midnight City” single and “Steve McQueen”. As for the rest, don’t rush it. Listen to the entire thing.

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